The importance of Meaning

The importance of Meaning

The importance of Meaning.

Hi, how are you doing today? Welcome to my podcast. I would like to talk today about the title of an article that I saw some weeks ago. The name of the article was, In lockdown, look for meaning not happiness. And when I read that, I felt like somebody was putting my feelings into words.

It is hard to be happy or content with the current circumstances that we are going through. Many people are sick with COVID-19, others have lost family members or friends. Some other people are going through really hard financial situations because of the pandemic, and some way or another this situation touches all of us, but I also wonder … I don’t know if you’ve ever thought about it, but what is happiness?

A more accurate question would be, what is that makes me happy because not necessarily what makes happy one person will make happy somebody else. 
The concept of happiness is different for everyone.

We are looking for immediate satisfaction. We buy stuff online. We look for relationships or dates in online dating sites. Nowadays you can acquire whatever you want through the internet. It is easy to fill the void with stuff that you can buy. However, facing, confronting, questions and answers in relation to the meaning, to the meaning of our relationship, the meaning of our job, the meaning of our contributions to society.

Those questions are really hard to face sometimes, because they require to find an answer. Unfortunately, we have the tendency to avoid the question and also to avoid any answer. It makes us feel very anxious or the anguish appears when we confront questions that have to be with our existence. However, those questions and the possibility of answering them are the ones who allow us to go forward in life, to achieve new goals, to have access to relationships and not to be a stuck, not to be a stuck always in the same place.

And we are in pause right now. For many, the pause is chaos. They don’t know what to do with the pause. But for many others, the pause is an opportunity. An opportunity to think or resting to make new priorities, to revalue relationships, to revisit places and make new choices. The pause is a new chance for all of us. The pause is even a new chance for all of us as a society. Well, thank you very much for listening, and I hope that this reflection was helpful for many of you. Thank you. And talk to you soon.

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