Family counseling


Cultivating healthy relationships in family settings doesn’t always come naturally and if you’re looking to build or have a healthy family, you must put some effort into it.


Families tend to go through several phases at different points in time, which also includes tough times due to anger, stress or burnout, grief, illness, and more. It’s also common to see family members holding grudges against themselves due to a conflict that might have happened. However, regardless of the state of your family right now, I can work with you to create the wholesome family you have always wanted. through family counseling in Astoria, Queens.


a family of 3 during a session of family counseling in astoria queens NY

Family counseling is a form of psychotherapy that involves members of your immediate or extended family coming together to achieve a common goal. This might seem like a lot but over time, issues within the family can be dealt with. If your family members are not willing to participate in family sessions, individual therapy or couples therapy are also options.

What can you expect?

As a family, you need nothing short of professional help to achieve your goals. Family counseling in Astoria, Queens would go a long way in helping you resolve conflicts at home, improve communication among family members, and also help if any member requires special care. This could be a serious physical or mental illness, children’s behavior problems, illness or death in the family, and more. I will walk the journey with your family to ensure no one feels overwhelmed and frustrated as they help other family members with special or extra needs.


To help you achieve your goals, I will talk to everyone in the family to better understand them and their unique views. I will then work out a treatment plan to help your family through the process.

Benefits of Astoria Family Counseling

  • It provides a safe space outside the family for self-expression.
  • It intervenes in the family dynamics and the role of each member.
  • It helps identify personal and family issues.

  • It promotes change, communication, and healthy boundaries.
  • It helps family members understand and handle certain family situations.



  • Important decision making about parents or grandparents
  • Siblings rivalry
  • Heritance issues
  • Family crisis due to unexpected events such as loss/illness/immigration problems, etc.
  • Child/teen behavior problems and parenting issues.
  • Family dynamic issues
  • No conventional families

How to Book a Session of Family Counseling in Astoria, Queens NY?

If you’re willing and ready for your life to take a new turn, start by booking a session or contacting me if you have further questions. I offer virtual sessions or teletherapy in the State of Florida, New York and around the world. I am currently accepting Aetna insurance in New York for individual therapy.


If you have any other insurance in NY, contact them to find whether you have out of network benefits. I do not work with any insurance in Florida. Keep in mind that insurances do not cover couples therapy nor premarital counseling, To request more information and book a session, fill the Contact form or call me directly via +1 (917) 370 3474.

I offer tele-therapy and phone sessions for specific cases.
Please contact me by email or phone to know more about it. ( 917 ) 370 3474

FAQs about Family Therapy

When should a family consider seeking family counseling services?

Astoria families may consider seeking family counseling services when they are experiencing persistent conflicts, communication breakdowns, or emotional distress that impacts their overall well-being and functioning. Other reasons to seek family therapy include major life transitions, substance abuse issues, grief and loss, and dealing with chronic health conditions.

What can we expect during a family therapy session?

Family therapy sessions typically involve all or most family members participating together. I assist family members to create a safe and supportive environment to express their thoughts and feelings. I also facilitate discussions, help identify underlying issues, and teach healthier ways of interacting.

How long does family therapy usually last?

The duration of family therapy varies depending on the complexity of the issues and the progress made. Some families may see improvement within a few sessions, while others may require several months of therapy. On average, family therapy can range from 8 to 15 sessions, with periodic check-ins as needed.

Do all family members need to attend every session?

Ideally, having all family members attend each session is beneficial as it provides a comprehensive understanding of the family dynamics. However, in some cases, certain family members might not be able to attend due to scheduling conflicts or other reasons. In such situations, I can still work with the available members and address their concerns while encouraging others to participate when possible.

Can family counseling be helpful if only one family member is experiencing difficulties?

Yes, family therapy can be helpful even if only one family member is experiencing difficulties. Often, individual issues are interconnected with family dynamics, and addressing them collectively can lead to more effective outcomes. We can explore how family members can support each other and create a more supportive environment for the individual facing challenges.

Can family counseling help in resolving long-standing family conflicts?

Yes, family therapy can be effective in resolving long-standing conflicts within the family. The therapy process allows family members to gain insights into the roots of the conflicts and develop healthier ways of relating to one another. With my guidance, families can find constructive solutions to long-standing issues and learn how to manage future conflicts more effectively.

How much does Family Counseling in Astoria cost?

The cost of family therapy varies based on the number of family members participating in the process. Feel free to reach out to me for any questions or to discuss the financial aspect of family therapy. Keep in mind that investing in family therapy can yield substantial long-term benefits for your family’s well-being and relationships, making it a valuable consideration for enhancing your lives.”

Is there a cancellation policy, and will we be charged for missed sessions?

I have a cancellation policy in place to ensure that clients receive the support they need and to optimize my availability. I request at least 48 hours’ notice for cancellations or rescheduling. If you and your family members fail to provide proper notice or miss a scheduled session, the family will be responsible for the payment of the session. I understand that emergencies and unforeseen circumstances may arise, and I will handle such situations with understanding and flexibility.