What is Anxiety Disorder and how to manage it

anxiety disorder

What is Anxiety Disorder and how to manage it

Anxiety is a very common complain nowadays.

Sleeping difficulties, palpitations, profuse perspiration, negative thoughts, lack of concentration even panic attacks when anxiety is at its pick, are some of the symptoms that might involve an anxiety disorder.


Anxiety can manifest itself in just one symptom or several of them. Some anxiety symptoms are scary, palpitations or chest pain are confused with heart problems.

Sometimes people think that psychotropic medication is the solution to their anxiety symptoms
without considering the possibility of discussing their struggle with a trained psychotherapist.
Solving anxiety symptoms with just medication is a simplistic idea that has been fed by the
medical model and the ideals of capitalism during the last decades.

However, nobody can rely on medication alone to overcome anxiety, it is possible to decrease it or manage it but in order to get rid of it one needs to be willing to face the sources of anxiety.

Anxiety is the product of unmanageable angst and it is a must to find the origin of it.


Helping the patient to develop awareness of unconscious determinations and her/his particular position in life might open a door for a change and elaborate anxiety.

It is common that life threatening medical problems and some other life chronic stressors
provoke intense anxiety due to uncertainty or/and chances of facing a painful loss. In these cases,
therapists need to help patients to find the right resources to deal with their long term struggle.
Furthermore, therapists need to offer the therapeutic space and their therapeutic role as strong
supports while also working on the particular way the patient is handling her/his challenging life
situation. Click here to find out how I can help you with your anxiety.

Finding a new position in life that allows patients get a different perspective on their situation
and certain movement, a freedom to choose will immensely help their mental status and

Feeling “stuck” or “trapped” in a situation of any nature will always produce a symptomatology. Therefore, the aim of psychotherapy sessions is to guide patients to find their own new perspectives on different matters producing a different outcome, an exit to repetition.

Gabriela R. Giuggioloni MA, LCSW-R.

This may interest you: “Mental Health in Quarantine, Anxiety and Depression”

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