Couples Therapy

Communication lies at the heart of every successful relationship, acting as the bridge that connects two individuals deeply. Yet, amidst life's chaos, distractions, and personal difficulties in communicating, this bridge can sometimes become shaky, obstructing the passage of emotions, needs, and desires. In this article,...

Couples often come to therapy seeking help to address specific problems, such as communication problems or conflicts over parenting or finances. However, these specific problems are often symptoms of deeper, underlying issues. In this article, we will explore the importance of identifying the root cause...

Lack of self- worth as cause of relationship Anxiety In many cases, relationship anxiety is related to lack of self-worth. Not trusting in ourselves, lacking confidence and body image issues create all kind of complications in relationships from jealousy to avoidance. When relationship anxiety is too...

   Today we are going to talk about couples who do not have a sex life.   There are many reasons why couples may not have sex; for instance, partners might be going through:  a deep depression  a painful loss  Stress due to work or family circumstances  the...

Are you considering couple therapy but not sure what it’s about? Whether it will help? If it’s worth your time and money? You are at the right place.   What is couple therapy?   We all know that romantic relationships require a lot of effort. They are like any...